So last Friday night Steve-O and I went to a party and drank 1 or 2 too many beers. The alcohol made me happy and I realized that Thanksgiving was coming up and that some old friends might be in town, so I looked through my phone in a drunken stooper and sent out a text to some of my West Coast transplant Homies that might be heading back East to see their families... Noons, Snips, & Stew Mulligan... Long story short, I puked a bunch, told Moshi Moshi the same story 100 times in a row and passed the fuck out. The next morning I woke up to a text from Noons saying that he was already on LI and heading towards the North Shore to see DB and that he wanted to stop by. Anyway he was at my shop about 10 mins later. Weird. Nuno took a pic of me in my bathroom, which is decorated in a "NYC-Lowa-Eastside-Bar-Baffroom" motiff, pointing to an old school 'super' sticker, He then posted it as the 'Photo of the Day" on Defgrip. As well as a post about his visit back.
I thought the least I could do was return the favor...So here's a couple gems I dug up out of the deep darkness of my harddrive... Wild No-footer Can at Hooligan, (I used this pic on the cover of an old Case 'zine, maybe I'll scan that in someday) and a Turndown at Port Trails...
You have no idea how many tricks Nuno had(has?) up his sleeve.
Yeah Noons!
So rad.
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