Friday, January 22, 2010

Keyko section from SuperBmx's 'Live for Today'

Nothing like a good trails edit in mid winter to keep our spirits up.


mike said...

come down to florida

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! thats so cool, sometimes i play paintball here! i wish i coud ride them

oscar said...

dont paintball there anymore, if you do, clean up after yourself,i aint your fuckin mom, i will bash your head in with a shovel.

Anonymous said...

fuck your mother. I'll shoot you with my paintball gun.

oscar said...


Anonymous said...

why cant i play there?
its perfect for paintball with all those dirt mounds?

Anonymous said...

1 time he babysat me and my sis, he touch my wee wee and her pee pee, we both cried

Anonymous said...

i called the cops and told them you threatened me and you cant have bike jumps there anymore. they are going to knock them down.

gwlshredders said...

peep these updated blogs
feel better about yourself

Anonymous said...

u anonymous faggot why would u call the cops u pussy if i ever see anyone there with a paintball gun im gonna hit u wit a shovel

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