I was going through old VHS tapes the other day and I found 5 different tapes where I did some weird and wild cheesy shit on the news. This is just one instance, about 6 or 7 years ago I got a call from George Gallo, (If you don't know who George is you need to click that link and find out), they were short a guy to jump a box jump on the news so I filled in, Chris Hald is the the other rider and one of the nicest dudes ever, I met him about 15 years ago riding with Rob-O down in Glen Cove. The reaction of the News guy on Live TV when Chris eats shit is priceless. After watching this I can't help to wonder what motorists driving by on Sunrise highway must've bee thinking seeing 2 grown men riding kids bikes hitting a box jump on the sidewalk in front of a tattoo shop at seven in the morning. This isn't even the most fucked up TV News clip I have, there's a way better one featuring me and Rob-O that will be up here in a few days. Oh Yeah and from what they're telling me the Supermodel Skatepark Race video should be up on Style.com anyday now.
ahahahah that is priceless!!! that guy called george a different name everytime? freakin news crews
i like how the newscaster got the urge to do something from his childhood right at the end of the clip (stand up on the top tube)
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